Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Whip My Hair

one time few years ago, this song annoyed me when it was played on the radio like alll the time. like all.the.time. But then few months back, i kept this song in my workout songs playlist, because it gives me the perfect beats for my jumprope routine.

and then few days ago, i listened to this song again, and realizing how much i miss working out. like cray cray. ill be in my 10th week of pregnancy this thursday, so i have about a month before my doc cleared me for my workout again (week 14). still, i cant jumprope like i used to. my husband has this feeling that if i jump around my baby will be shakin’ like in an earthquake or something like that, eventhough i already explained to him that’s not gonna happen. haha.

what im tryin to say is: i miss working out. i miss lifting. cant wait cant wait.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday [special edition]
